Παπαποστόλου Απόστολος - Νευρολόγος

Electroneurography - Electromyography

Ηλεκτρονευρογράφημα - Ηλεκτρομυογράφημα

The electroneurography examines the function of the peripheral nerves. How it's done: at specific anatomical sites of human body (which represent nerve sites) we apply superficial electrodes and then a mild electrical stimulation of the nerves follows (the nerves are the wires of our body). With electroneurography we can diagnose a variety of conditions such as: polyneuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, elbow ulnar neuritis etc.

Electromyography: examines muscles function and it helps to diagnose muscles diseases such as myopathies or roots compression due to cervical or lumbar disk prolapse. A disposable fine needle electrode it is inserted inside the muscle that we desire to examine. After that, we collect valuable information through machine's monitor. The collectable data help us to answer in various questions, for example, if a lumbar disk prolapse needs conservative or invasive treatment.

Other exams: Repetitive nerve stimulation (Desmedt) This exam helps us to diagnose conditions where the pathology is on the union between the nerve and the muscle (neuromuscular junction), for example: myasthenia gravis or ocular myasthenia. After the place of a superficial electrode on the muscle that we desire to examine, there are given multiple mild electrical stimulations at specific frequency and intensity, then the data are collected and there are analyzed.